
Theatrica - Awakening Expressions

Unlock the Potential of your Students with Drama Programs. Our programs are designed to enrich your school curriculum and provide your students with valuable life skills.

World Record India

Theatrica holds a record for the Annual Day Concert inclusive of 7 different languages with a participation of 1300+ students performing various art forms on the same stage simultaneously. On the very same stage, we had students do Sand Art, Lilliput Act, Chinese Puppets, Physical Theater, and much more. The audience remained seated for the entire performance and was completely engrossed. Leadership skills, stage presence, and vocal exercises are just a few examples of what our students learned during this process. It was a learning experience for both the students and the instructors.

Kudos to the Theatrica team!

Enrich Your School Curriculum with Theatre Education

Education Programs


Std. 1st – 3rd

Students at this level are exposed more to Moral stories and Fables. The main output expected through this stage is storytelling and overcoming stage fear. Kids are very malleable at this point of age, hence encompassing them with morals helps them develop their conscience.


Std. 4th – 6th

The core objective at this level is educating students about mythology and how it affected as well as developed around Indian Culture, Geography locations, and many more. It broadens the vision about looking at oneself. We believe in the process of finding yourself, you need to understand your roots.


Std. 7th – 10th

This stage is deepening more towards the roots of Theatre. It describes more about global literature and is much more artist specific. Along with understanding stories, its more about learning what happens behind the curtains. We study the work of regional as well as global artists.

Our Mission

is to educate the lives of

Children, Teachers & Parents by 2025

4 R's of Theatrica


While scripting a play, researching any real-life references to the story as well as researching about social background makes the story more grounded. Even while playing a character, understanding the sole of the character and researching his/her motivations is very important.


The first rule of Theatre dynamics is to react and never act. The first reaction on the face or the first word that leaves your mouth as a character should be an effect of the internal struggle as well as the elemental environment on-stage.


The play being performed should feel fresh to the audience, but it should be in its final and complete form as well. The space should be enough rehearsed for the characters to understand the set and props placed on the stage.


Repeat is the keyword to polish and finish your play to present it in its best form. The characters and their movements should be enough familiar with the actors for them to acclimatize with the stage environment.

Welcome to Theatrica

At Theatrica, we believe that theatre can play a powerful role in transforming education and helping students discover the power of expression. Our programs are designed to help students of all ages unlock their potential and develop valuable life skills through theatre education.

Discover the Power of Expression

Theatre is a powerful medium for self-expression and communication. At Theatrica, we help students develop their voice and learn to express themselves confidently and effectively through our engaging and interactive theatre workshops.

Theatre Programs for Schools in Pune

We offer a range of theatre programs for schools in Pune, including drama classes, theatre workshops, and professional theatre training. Our programs are designed to enrich your school curriculum and provide your students with valuable life skills.

What Parent's Say